Can You Build a Property Portfolio with £40,000?

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Even with the current political and economic climate in the UK, there is no denying the fact that the property market is still attractive. It is still remains one of the best inflation-proof investments for anyone who can afford to get on the property ladder.  Unfortunately, the myriad of changes in the property investment niche (such as the new buy to let laws) and the increasing reluctance amongst lenders to provide funding for new investors mean that it is harder than ever to get on board.   At a time where you need around £100,000 as deposit to get on the buy-to-let ladder, how can you build a portfolio with 40% of that amount?

Crowdfunding to the rescue

Crowdfunding offers one of the best UK property development investment opportunities. Even if you have a few hundreds of pounds, you can immediately begin to lay the foundation for a property portfolio. With crowdfunding, you get to invest in a wide range of property options without actively taking part in any of the far-reaching decisions that come with property investment, from choosing a site to completing the property.

To build a property portfolio in the conventional way requires years of hard work where you have to work hard to buy or build property in optimal locations and then put in work to maintain a rental income. Even when you are buying to sell, you may still need to wait for years to be able to reap the dividends, if any.  There is also the hard work that comes with filling tons of paperwork, securing mortgages, staying on top of all your mortgage commitments and securing tenants.  Property crowdfunding, on the other hand, allows you to quickly get in the property pool without leaving the comfort of your home or worrying about any of the aforementioned challenges with conventional property investment.

With your £40,000 you can invest in as many properties as appeal to your investment appetite, within your budget.  The structure of most crowdfunding platforms means that this amount can get you a portfolio of up to 40 properties with just a few clicks!

However, it is still important to note that although the hassles of being a landlord are taken care of by crowdfunding, there are still inherent risks as is the case with all investments.  With proper selection of properties that will make up your portfolio and a perfect understanding of all the risks involved, you can build a property portfolio with £40,000.

Investment in property comes with risks as well as the possibility of rewards.

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